Echo Lontano – Menelaos Peistikos

Marilena Liakopoulou piano

 Echo Lontano was commissioned by Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra (TSSO) and Thessaloniki Museum of Contemporary Art (MOMus) .The piece is composed for the purpose of framing a modern exhibition at the MOMus which illustrates fine art from contemporary sketch artists. These sketches depict specific events of manifestation of racism and violence against social minorities and protesters in Greece caused by the neo-nazi party “Golden Dawn” and attempt to decry and critisize these actions and fight neo-nazism and racism in Greece. My aim was to reprove violence by bringing its opposite; peace and its beauty. However, when I watched closely at these sketches, I thought of the impact that the violent assaults of “Golden Dawn” members have on the mental state of the victims and I concluded that violence is something that is difficult to be easily forgotten. Nevertheless, violence does not outweigh peace in Echo Lontano. There are only small fragments of it, dissonant and mechanical in their presence. 
